Happy (Re)New Year!

Ode to Energy Efficiency

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The cellulose was blown in the attic with care In hopes a cold winter soon would be there The leaks and the cracks and the holes are all foamed Plugging up spaces where mice once roamed Insulated basement walls keep in the heat Making floors toasty warm for kids stocking feet Air in the home is fresh, healthy, and clean A Heat Recovery Ventilator is a wonderful machine The walls are warm to the touch and quiet inside Because in these thick walls dense packed cellulose resides Solar panels on the roof harness the sun And the right orientation means fuel use is next to none Whether new or old or big or small An energy efficient home has it all They are healthy and safe and easy to heat With a level of comfort that can’t be beat A low carbon footprint is good for the Earth And is the very best way to spread holiday mirth So this holiday season let’s all do our part Have an energy audit to see where to start If you’re building a new home and want it just right Make sure it’s well insulated and very air tight For these are the keys to a comfortable home That is healthy and safe for families to roam With that we will end this and turn off the light An efficient home for all And to all a good night

Happy (Re)New Year!
From all of us at TR Window Services


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6732 W COAL MINE AVE., #447, LITTLETON, C0 80123
303-703-3895 | E-mail: info@trwindowservices.com